Gaudí Shopping

Gaudí Shopping

Hosting of Santa Claus in Gaudí Shopping by Kids & Us Sagrada Familia!

December 16th. 2019

We had a great time with the Santa🎅 of Kids & Us Sagrada Familia on Avenida Gaudí last Saturday morning!

Thank you very much to all the families who came to bring us the Letters to Santa. The Santa has already taken the letters 📨 to the North Pole, and he is working with his elves 🦌to give you all the gifts🎁 that you requested!

Ho, ho ho & Merry Christmas to you all! 🎉

#christmasactivitiesforkids #santainthestreet #santaiscoming #kids&usSagradaFamilia #gaudishopping

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Gaes Amplifon Centre Auditiu
Gaudi 3D
Cosméticos Paquita Ors
Perfumería Guillén
La Font Gaudí
Estanco nº 254