Gaudí Shopping

Gaudí Shopping

An emblematic factory: Myrurgia

An emblematic factory: Myrurgia

C/ de Mallorca, 351
08013 Barcelona

Some of the factories that were located in the Sagrada Família neighbourhood were emblematic. This is the case of Myrurgia, a major perfume company.

A perfumed history

 The same place that during the twentieth century was dedicated to the elaboration of perfumes, today welcomes the scent that emerges from the flowers of Jardins Beatriu de Provença.

In 1927, the architect Antoni Puig i Giralt projected the Art Deco property, ordered by the writer Esteve Monegal i Prat, and it would work as a production unit of the Myrurgia perfume company. In addition, the work of Puig i Giralt received the Prize of Architecture in Industrial and Commercial Buildings because it had one of the most modern facilities of that time. Unfortunately, a serious fire damaged part of the structure and even threatened the neighbourhood, a situation that led to the demolition of one sector of the building.

Over the years, the cosmetics company left the headquarters on Carrer de Mallorca and currently, we can find a hotel and a sports centre, among other facilities.


How to arrive
  • Subway:   Verdaguer (L4, L5)
  • Bus:   C/ Mallorca, 377 (19, D50, N1, N7)

Our members

The CBD Side Sagrada Família
Perfumería Guillén
Cosméticos Paquita Ors
Forn Franquesa - Coques de Perafita
Peluquería By Diego Bcn