Gaudí Shopping

Gaudí Shopping

Pavelló de Sant Rafael Recinte Modernista de Sant Pau

Pavelló de Sant Rafael Recinte Modernista de Sant Pau

Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167

Sant Pau became the units for haematology, traumatology and, orthopaedic pathologies during the Spanish Civil War. But also, there was still another mission at San Rafael pavilion: the scenario for a cinema movie. Agusti Villaronga's film Incerta Glòria showed the hospital during the thirties with the help of Lieutenant Lluís de Brocà, when he entered to collect the medication for his sick son. The furniture and other decoration elements have been preserved for the public visit.

Santa Creu i Sant Pau: lights, camera and action!

After a long period of restoration, the Modernist Hospital de Sant Pau was once again open to the public in 2014, and show eight of the twelve pavilions with their original appearance. In order to make the enormous recovery effort visible, the entity decided to promote a tour through three pavilions: San Salvador, completely rehabilitated, San Rafael, destined for historical recreation, and Purísima, where it shows the hospital during the hundred years of activity.

 In the case of ¡San Rafael pavilion, it offers a room equipped with ten old beds and radiators, as well as other original elements from the twenties. A unique place that Incerta Glòria's movie team did not hesitate to take advantage of. This pavilion was used for the film directed by Agustí Villaronga. Thus, the viewer can time travel to 1937 with the help of Lieutenant Lluís de Brocà - played by Marcel Borràs-, who shows the hospital during the thirties, when he entered to collect the medication for his sick son.

 But the same space that hosted a group of actors and actresses in 2006, it had worked as a orthopaedic unit surgery during the Civil War, as an internal medicine and endocrinology unit service during the decade of the forties, or even as a unit of clinical haematology - pioneer in marrow transplants in Spain in 1976 - over more than thirty years.

How to arrive
  • Subway:   Guinardó Hospital de Sant Pau (L4), Sant Pau Dos de Maig (L5)
  • Bus:   C/ Cartagena – Av. Gaudí (191, 192, N0), C/ St. Antoni Maria Claret – C/ Dos de Maig (92, 192)

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